Thursday, May 28, 2009

a few things.

the city of waterford, ireland has these massive photo prints on vinyl scattered throughout its landscapes:

these photos were taken by a german photographer named gottfried helnwein, many in some sort of visual protest about children being casualties of war.

i also came across these today, which rule.

there are a ton more here.

also, i am bartending at dingo's den this saturday night. i start at 9. i will have my camera as per usual. come down, get drunk, do stupid things and let me take pictures of it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


LiKe oMG tHiS WeEkEnD wAs mEmoRiAL dAy aNd sEaSidEEee wUz cRazZiiiiii!!!!

seriously i don't even get how people type like that. it's infinitely more of a pain in the ass to keep capitalizing random letters and purposely mispelling words than to just type them out like a normal, english-speaking person who has undoubtedly went through some kind of school system. fucking morons. anyways, this weekend i did not go down the shore. honestly, if i never see the jersey shore ever again i really wouldn't give a fuck. i hate guidos and south jersey. i stayed up here and partied hard with some true killers in the game and i tried to take as many annoying close-up photos as possible, but i didnt get nearly enough.

although i did drink an entire bottle of jack daniels in two hours on saturday, my entire weekend wasn't a total drunken mess. i managed to get a bunch of work done on the GDP album layout and i also banged out this flyer for the boys at 660 grand. simple and to the point. if you are in the jersey city area this saturday, stop down and check out the artwork with an afterparty to follow.

i came across this website today. yves marchand and romain meffre are a couple of french photographers who take flicks of ruins and decaying shit. they have a set from germany, a set from detroit and a set of abandoned movie theaters right here in the US, even a couple from newark and paterson. here's a few:




they also have a blog and yves marchand also has a website with some of his other works. couldn't find too much else on romain meffre.

i also found this amazing piece of genius, which involves the ultimate fuck you to twitter and all the fucking toolbags who really believe that people give a fuck what they are doing every fucking second of the day. get the fuck over yourself. these dudes hooked up a device to their toilet, which posts a twit(?) every time they flush the toilet. fucking amazing:

check out the whole experiment here.

some cool comic clips:

and a few other random things:


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