Tuesday, February 10, 2009

sweet violins.

I hate to break this to everyone, but everything you know is pretty much bullshit. We work jobs that mean nothing. We small talk and laugh fake laughs because human beings are no longer capable of real conversations. How are you? What have you been up to? How about this weather? Suck my fucking dick you fake cocksucker. How have I been? Terrible. Because I have to deal with wastes of flesh like yourself on a sickeningly regular basis. Really? You're gonna tell me that same story again? Great. I think I'd rather jerk off with sandpaper. But you proceed with your story never knowing how much I truly despise you and your shitty existence.

We live in a country where true talent is overlooked for a trendy image. We live in a country where scientists develop products to grow hair and give old men boners instead of curing aids or cancer. I see a hundred commercials a day for male enhancement and I have a friend who is blind and will most likely never be able to see again. But fuck that guy, let's allow some ancient silverback to get a hard-on for the first time in 20 years and bang his saggy old wife who probably just wants to watch tv and croquet. That makes a lot of sense.

Our heroes now are not scholars or even brilliant musicians or artists. No, they are reality tv stars. They are mass-marketed pop stars with no musical ability. They are overpaid, steroid-pumping athletes. They are talentless shitbags like paris hilton. Someone who does nothing but act like a spoiled asshole on her daddy's dime. Those are the kind of people that our society glorifies.

People live their lives vicariously through celebrity gossip. This superstar is cheating on this superstar with this other superstar. Fuck off. These people would spit on you and your pathetic bank account. They would mistake you for a waiter and give you a drink order if you tried to approach them in public. You are peasantry to these people, but you hold them in the highest regards because they have countless amounts of money that they have never worked a day in their life for.

People are no longer rewarded for being good. You will get nowhere in this life if you are an honest and decent human being. If you don't cut throats and fuck people over, you are not doing your part. The weaklings must be weeded out. The intelligent and the ugly must be weeded out. There is no place for them in this world. We must only praise possessions and physical beauty because those are the most important things. We must discourage emotion because it is filthy and disgusting. We must eat sushi and enjoy the fine things in life. We must dress exactly like the bands we see on mtv. At least until the next band comes out. Then we must dress like them.

The complacency and unawareness that I see around me is so utterly disheartening. People strive to be in the middle of the curve. Getting too far from the center is frightening to them. Center is comfort. No expectations. Just behave like all the other robots and no one will notice you. Keep in the shadows to enjoy the relief of non-scrutiny. It feels good to be part of the group. Fucking cowards.

And the real sad part is, there will be people who read this and think that I am fucking crazy. Oh he's so negative. Why is he so bitter? Why can't he just be normal? I'll tell you why. Because I am and always have been in the stratosphere, miles above anything that your brain could ever possibly comprehend. I see life, not through the blank eyes of a common man, but through a telescope that can see directly into your soul. I see far beyond what you consider everything. And although it pains me to see the sickening and steady decline of humanity, I will always be thankful that I'm on the outside looking in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen brother. If one day on the news I see a report of Paris Hilton being murdered via Columbian Necktie, I will think of you and smile. Hope all is well. (Really.)



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