Thursday, August 6, 2009

generation gap.

occasionally, i go on rants about the younger generation. years ago, if a man used beauty products, or did things like wax his eyebrows or go tanning, he was gay. now he's just a "normal" dude. i'm sorry, but that will never be normal to me. i never heard the work "metrosexual" growing up. i was taught to be a man. a manly man. i went out all day and played with my friends without a cell phone or any way to get in touch with me. i played in dirt and mud. we lit things on fire. we drank water out of a garden hose.

kids nowadays are a bunch of pussies. kids who's parents put them on a leash in the mall. kids who never left their house. kids who sat around and played video games and watched pokemon all day. these kids have no spine, and this is why they grow up to be little girly boys who use beauty products and get waxed. it's really fucked up man.

i am beyond thankful that i grew up when i did, with parents who never let me turn into a little pussy. and on top of that, we had so much more cooler shit back then too.

toys were pretty awesome:

when we weren't outside playing like normal kids, tv shows and saturday morning cartoons ruled:

video games have never been better:

and the movies were just amazing:

1 comment:

Tatt2chick said...

I totally agree with you! That's why you see so many fat kids now a days...they don't go outside and play, they just sit on their fat asses playing video games and surfing the net. And cartoons and movies were SOOOO much better in the 80s!!! I miss them so much!


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