Thursday, March 5, 2009


so if you know me, and you see the flyers and artwork that i do, you can obviously see that i am completely obsessed with vintage movie posters, comic book covers and book covers. to me that is such a good medium to work with, and a lot of it is public domain and free to use and manipulate in any way i see fit. its a beautiful thing and the sources are limitless if you dig deep enough in the vast abyss of the internet.

today i stubmled upon a bunch of old book covers from this sci-fi writer from the 50s named lionel fanthorpe, who is estimated to have written over 180 books. he used all types of aliases and fake names for his writing. i'm not really sure what the actual content of the books is like, but there are a lot of cool covers. unfortunately, i couldn't find any high-res versions of these, so i can't really use them for print. but they're still pretty dope. peep it:

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