Tuesday, December 9, 2008

the reason.

so a few people have been busting my balls about the title of my blog. according to thaddea and thaddea2, it sounds like the name of a bad nu-metal band, which kinda made me laugh cause it could be.

so for clarification, this is where it came from. basically, i was attempting to start a blog out of sheer boredom, but apparently every fucking name under the sun is already taken. i was just typing in the most random shit and blogger kept saying it wasn't available. this was going on for like a fucking hour and i was starting to get pissed. so i'm talking to my friend from viriginia on aim and she's asking me if i ever see or keep in touch with my ex-girlfriend. so i respond "no, but she'll always have my undying hate". immediately after typing this phrase, it made me laugh and i said hey.. let me see if that is available. and fucking bingo. it was. and so hence the name of my blog.

this blog isn't dedicated to hatred, although i do harbor much hatred and contempt for a lot of the bullshit that goes on in this world. like guidos, kids with girls jeans and eyeliner, my super sweet 16 or paris hilton. the list is endless, but that's besides the point. i'm sure i'll go on rants and raves about shit that pisses me off from time to time, but if you know me, that's nothing new. mostly i'm just using this because i can't get on myspace from work and i temporarily have no internet in my shitbag apartment. so i need somewhere to put up news, events and chronicles of my drunken adventures.

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