Thursday, July 2, 2009

black is the new pink.

today i've been listening to slayer and cursive constantly. i don't know why, but if you just take all your slayer albums and all your cursive albums and make them into a playlist and leave it on shuffle, they seem to go hand in hand. kinda weird.

anyway, one of my plethora of websites that i frequent is a japanese site called pink tentacle. there's a lot of stuff that i just skim through, but there are always some gems from time to time.

recent gem: shohei otomo - an insanely talented japanese illustrator who (from what i can tell) only uses ballpoint pens for his drawings. look at this insanity:

check out his website and his blog.

also, watch out for giant jellyfish if you are planning any trips to china or japan:

i don't believe in astrology, fortune telling or any other archaic hokus pokus, but tarot cards certainly look pretty cool:


the great decay:

on a side note, raquel welsh was really fucking hot back in the day.

some randoms from different places that seemed to match.

ALSO - this weekend is 4th of july. huge indoor/outdoor bbq at bear country in wayne. 4 bands. a few kegs. ton of food. if you don't know you better ask somebody. i hear this year is gonna be even better than last year. we shall see. if you would like to join in the festivities, hit me up for the low down. bring your party hats.

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