lots of obama hating going on. and i'm not like all on the bandwagon and shit, but i do like the dude. he's a brilliant speaker and he's the most intelligent and educated president that most of us have seen in a lifetime. i mean come on. the dude graduated from harvard law with top honors. he's been in office for nine fucking days. maybe he'll be the same as all the other jerkoffs, but i'm willing to give him a little more than nine days to get shit done. he's got a lot of good ideas, so give the dude a chance, and don't forget about this asshole:
today, i saw something that a friend of mine posted on facebook about seeing the rocket from astroland being carted away from coney island on a flatbed truck. its such a travesty to see a true piece of american history being dismantled. i know my grandparents lived in brooklyn for a while, and went to coney island. sad to know it's on its way out, and probably being replaced by some corporate, modern monstrosity.
anyway, just the word coney island always reminds me of this one song from godspeed you! black emperor. its called "they don't sleep anymore on the beach". so depressing, so good. i can't stress enough how good this band is. i guess you could label it as "post-rock", although i truly hate genre labeling. but they are just on some insane shit. lots of reverb and obscure samples wonderfully laid over epic instrumental tracks. real genius shit.
ok so, back to the point. so i youtube this song to see if they had a video. and there's no offical video from the band, but i stumbled onto this series of experimental video documentaries with this song set to the background. granted, the song is like 24 minutes long or something, so the videos are split up into four parts. the only thing i can figure out is that they were made by some dude name jorge desoto in spain and he is 33 years old. other than that, i couldn't find any info. but what an awesome interpretation of the music. simple but powerful.
watch these videos in succession, and pay attention to the vocals in the very beginning of the first part. they are the only vocals in the song, and they are by far one of the most depressing things that i've ever heard. enjoy.
Circles twisted into figure eights We fuck where we shit We shit where we eat We sleep where we die Too many plugs in the outlet Fires often consume the circuitry Burn lifetimes to the ground We rejoice in the ashes As we slip a little further into ourselves Self-medication becomes routine Self-loathing is all we know In our search to find a way out Pathetic attempts to meet expectations Are superseded by mounting pressure And overwhelming doubt A vicious cycle Designed to weaken our souls Weed out the weaklings The faint of heart are destined to fail
this weekend was a fuzzy journey involving a lot of absinthe, a lot of beers, a lot of jamesons and a lot of laughs with good friends. i had to have a butcher knife and a box cutter taken away from me several times, as my friends feared that i would hurt myself or someone else. i hacked shit up in my apartment and threatened people with a swiffer vac. but i wouldn't hurt a fly. i swear. i also had a freestyle rap battle at 6am with jannson. i don't remember what we were saying, but it probably sucked. i went to my man frank's record release party in harrison which was dope. after he rocked the mic, max jerome blessed us all with some throwbacks and the entire bar erupted into a dance party. go cop the new emily rugburn shit for free at emilyrugburn.com. peep some flicks: